I want to share with you my experience with the Sharper Image Steam Wizard. This product is an All-in-One tool used to removed stains and soils in carpet and upholstery. I cannot remember exactly what I paid for the Wizard but it was not cheap. I did look on E-bay and found one used though for only $45.00. Well I want to say that I’m actually quite satisfied with this product. Now it is not the end all miracle working machine, but it has saved me many times in the case of pet pee-pee.
Many times my dogs decide to mark what they believe is “Their” Territory on my carpet. They try to do it in a sneaky manner when I’m not looking. Later when I walk around the house and see it I run for the Wizard. A quick fill of the tank and a short warm up get the tool in action.
It has 3 settings:
1) Spray for a steaming hot light spray of water.
2) Stream which gives a heavier dose of steam water,
3) Vacuum which does the obvious and sucks up the dirty water
I will generally use the stream setting and apply the steam in third or half tank amounts vacuuming in between. The trick is to soak the area very well and immediately vacuum very well. You would be surprised how well it can work. It won’t get everything out all the time, and you must be patient and sometimes do the process twice even three times, however it is my experience that it has helped me many a time.